The following incidents were reported between Feb. 16 to Feb. 22


The following incidents were reported between Feb. 16 to Feb. 22

Petty Theft
A package was stolen from a property on Mansie Road and a first edition of a Dr. Seuss book worth $1,086 was stolen. There were no security cameras available for evidence.

Grand Theft
A pair of golf clubs worth $3,000 was stolen from a vehicle parked on Pacific Coast Highway. The victim said they left their vehicle unlocked. There were no security cameras available for evidence.

Grand Theft
Two electric bicycles worth $1,500 each were stolen from a property on Tuna Canyon. There were no security cameras available for evidence. The victim believed he saw the bicycles on sale on Craigslist and sent the website to the deputies to further investigate.

Grand Theft
A vehicle parked near Malibu Lagoon was broken into and ransacked. The victim said she went surfing and forgot she left her Tesla unlocked and upon return, two iPhones, a wallet, and $400 in cash was stolen from the vehicle. There were no security cameras available for evidence.

Grand Theft
A vehicle parked near Carbon Beach was broken into and a catalytic converter worth $1,500 was stolen. There were no security cameras available for evidence.