
God’s Law is Perfect ...


Think about how this world would be if most of the inhabitants became interested in living according to the law of God.

I want to share what Psalms 19 says: “ The law of Jehovah is perfect”, that converts the soul; The testimony of Jehovah is faithful, that makes the simple wise”.

Two things standout in this passage over how complete the law of Jehovah is.

First is about the testimony that we are showing and that our manual of conduct is according to the moral and spiritual values that the creator placed in man when he was created.

And even though he disobeyed when being deceived by Satan.

Through Moses we have the commandments (there are 10) And many laws that were established by the people of Israel. It has been more than two thousand years since His Son Jesus Christ was sent. It’s incredible that our Heavenly Father did not forget anything.

The second thing that stands out is: “That makes the simple wise”. To them that do not believe in God, what manual do they use to be persons of good testimony, to be simple people? It’s like the one that does not believe in traffic laws, and they drive their car as they think is right.

You and I do not have to pay anything for this perfect law that Jehovah left us.

The price is his having given His Son, who said before dying “ It is finished”. (John 19:30).

God bless you.

(Editor’s Note: This column is written by a different Littlefield pastor for the Leader-News each week. The columns are published on this page on Wednesdays.)