FOX 56 News

Lexington 11-year-old to perform at New York’s Apollo Theater

LEXINGTON, Ky. (FOX 56) – From the Bluegrass to the Big Apple a young Lexington star is heading to New York to perform at the historic Apollo Theater.

Heavenleigh Hymon, 11, known as Star Bookie, will be performing her song “Put The Guns Down” in her quest to save the lives of her generation from gun violence.  FOX 56’s Georgia McCarthur sat down with her to talk about her journey to the big stage.

“It’s like a dream come true. I never really knew what the Apollo was, but when I found out, I was like, I’m going there because I was excited,” Hymon said.


“Have you told all your friends you are going to be there at the apollo”, McCarthur asked.

“Most of them like. They’re like when they said, I’m going to look it up when I get home. And then they looked it up like, “You’re going there? You’re lucky,” Hymon said.

“You have a hit song. It’s called Put the Guns Down. Tell me a little bit about why you chose to write about something like that?” McCarthur asked.

“My dad, he had like a lot of friends and family pass away and I was very close to some of the people who passed away and we just decided to make a song to it,” Hymon said.

Tell me a little bit about the benefit concert that you have coming up to help you get to the Apollo,” said McCarthur.

“I’m excited about it because I get I get as much time as I want to perform,” Hymon said.  

Her benefit concert is on April 22, and she’ll be performing at Apollo Theater on May 31. To support her trip to the Apollo visit her GoFundMe.