CRRUA says it has passed quarterly arsenic tests again
By Dave Burge,
16 days ago
EL PASO, Texas ( KTSM ) — The Camino Real Regional Utility Authority says for the second consecutive quarter, testing results show that its arsenic levels meet federal drinking water standards.
The utility also says it has passed 13 arsenic water sample tests since late January, including two quarterly tests from the New Mexico Environment Department and 11 independent lab tests.
The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) has released its third quarter arsenic test results of CRRUA water samples taken July 30, at all four arsenic treatment facilities, the utility said.
For the second consecutive quarter, NMED’s test results show that arsenic levels in CRRUA water samples are below the federal drinking water maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 10 parts per billion (ppb.), the utility said.
Here is a look at the most recent quarterly results.
NMED RESULTS/July 30, 2024
Sample Location Arsenic Treatment Facility (ATF)
Sample Result (ppb)
Arsenic MCL 10 (ppb)
Santa Teresa Border Entry (ATF)
Below MCL
Industrial Park Arsenic (ATF)
Below MCL
*Sunland Park Arsenic (ATF)
Below MCL
Santa Teresa Community
Below MCL
Courtesy of CRRUA
The utility also said that it recently replaced filter media at the Sunland Park and Santa Teresa Industrial Park arsenic-treatment facilities. That “will increase the efficiency of the arsenic removal process and ensure the continued delivery of consumable water that meets government standards,” the utility said.
The utility also said that the Sunland Park facility was operating with one of the two filter media chambers offline for media replacement when water samples were taken on July 30.
NMED’s previous quarterly arsenic test was taken April 3. Here is a look at those results.
Sample Location Arsenic Treatment Facility (ATF)
Sample Result (ppb)
Arsenic MCL 10 (ppb)
Storage Tank #1 (Border Entry)
Below MCL
Industrial Park Arsenic (ATF)
Below MCL
Sunland Park Arsenic (ATF)
Below MCL
Santa Teresa Community
Below MCL
Courtesy of CRRUA
Monday night, Sept. 16, New Mexico health and environment agencies will host a town-hall meeting from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Dona Ana Community College Sunland Park Center, 3365 McNutt Rd., to discuss arsenic levels in local drinking water. Water quality and discolored water in the CRRUA service area has been a hot topic for months, with some residents saying the issues go back years.
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