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  • Kristen Kittel

    This Weekend, Join The Fun and Festivities as Issaquah Finds A Way To "Keep On Swimming'..."

    Salmon Days 2020(author)

    Since Salmon swim upstream, it is no surprise that Salmon Days has returned to Issaquah, WA even though COVID-19 is still ravaging the world.

    These strong, inspirational creatures have inspired the local community to persevere and find a way to bring strength and connection even when it is difficult. So Salmon are the perfect reason to have a festival, even if it were simply for the first time, rather than the annual upcoming event celebrating its 52nd year.

    Come on out to beautiful downtown Issaquah on Saturday, October 2 and Sunday, October 3 from 10:00am - 6:00pm to experience Salmon Days 2021. Last year, the offerings pretty much only consisted of some chalk art on the street and a couple fish-touting banners donning the fences around hastily arranged outdoor seating for the local restaurants. With another year behind us, the 2021 offerings are thoughtfully, creatively, and exponentially improved.

    If you've never made the trek to Seattle's Eastside autumn awesomeness, it might be time to start. You're in for a treat. Literally and figuratively.

    One of the most popular aspects to this particular festival is the "Foods From Around The World Food Court," which never disappoints, and this year there are over 40 different scrumptious offerings. There is also incredible live entertainment, some of the best handcrafts created in America, and the satisfaction of being amongst our neighbors once more before the weather turns too cold.

    If you're a past regular attendee, it's time to get excited. Many of your favorite vendors are back. The biggest missing element is that there are not going to be activities focused on kids 12 and under, since they are not able to be vaccinated yet and Issaquah's Chamber of Commerce is doing its part to encourage the safety of our younger citizens.

    New for you this year is a prize unlike anything this festival has seen before: you could win up to $1,000.00 worth of gift certificate to local businesses with the Salmon Days Trail App.
    Deets of the New Salmon Days Trail App Game(author)

    If you are nervous about a large, semi-crowded event, you can rest assured that there are many precautions in place. Masks are required, there are sanitation stations everywhere, plus a well-organized directional walking path allows for shopping that is socially distanced but doesn't stop traffic.

    If you're just not in the mood to be out and about, there's still room for you at this party. You could make a private reservation to tour the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery at another time when you feel more comfortable (it isn't open to the public during the Salmon Days weekend, anyway.) Or learn more about Salmon and the local Puget Sound Ecosystem from the comfort of your own home by watching this video from Robin Kelly and the Cougar Mountain Zoo.

    This is original content from NewsBreak’s Creator Program. Join today to publish and share your own content.

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    Wayne Dillabough
    why in the world would you have salmon days downtown Issaquah running 10 to 6 is that your idea of virus related restrictions? The bars the restaurants in the stores are all open past 6 so why would you not have the boots open past 6 so everybody can enjoy it in the evening? it probably just makes too much sense therein lies the problem is living with Democrats
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