
The Knoxville School Board will hold a special meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the boardroom.

Business items on the agenda are considering an upgrade for lighting at the Randy Wilson Track and considering overnight trip requests for the softball and basketball teams.

The board will also go into closed session to discuss student issues. May 31 and June 1 will be professional development days.

Cassi Pearson tells KNIA/KRLS News about the special meeting tonight, “We just have a few additional items for some new staff and some student requests that we need to take care of before our June 12th meeting. So everybody is welcome. It’s an open meeting on May 30th.”

The June 12 school board meeting will include a public hearing on real estate, a presentation by the school nurse, consider participation in the instructional support program and a public hearing for the instructional support program.