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    Daughter of slain Hawaii bicyclist speaks out

    By Bryce Moore,

    27 days ago

    HONOLULU (KHON2) — The daughter of a bicyclist who was hit by a car and killed in Ewa earlier in 2024 is hoping for awareness and answers.

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    She said she is concerned that the suspect is still allowed to drive.

    Chelsea Meyer told KHON2 that getting the call that said her mom, Naomi, and her mom’s Fiance, Jim Roland, were killed while riding bicycles near Fort Weaver and Iroquois roads was a life-changing moment in March, 2024.

    She flew to Oahu from San Diego and went to Honolulu police to get the full report on Friday, Sept. 15.

    “And I asked them if I could see the full report, and they said, no, it’s sealed until the trial is over,” Chelsea said, “For me, it was very unusual for a police report to be sealed, because that’s not why I was first advised that I was able to have. And so I think for it to be sealed, there’s no transparency.”

    Honolulu Police Department spokespeople Michelle Yu and Sarah Yoro have not commented on the report being sealed, the Honolulu Prosecutor’s office said releasing the report is the decision of HPD’s Record Division.

    The Hawaii Bicycling League said the lack of information is frustrating.

    “That person is out, about,” said HBL advocacy director Eduardo Hernandez. “He was charged. He put up bail. As far as we know, he still has a driver’s license and he’s driving every day.”

    Defense attorneys said revocations are only typical after D.U.I. arrests and negligent homicides arrests do not have a hard rule that says the accused must not be allowed to drive.

    “What the court can do is make it a term and condition of your release that you cannot operate a motor vehicle, but what the court cannot do is revoke your license because there needs to be due process,” defense attorney Megan Kau said.

    A motion has been filed to suspend the suspect’s license, but that he3aring will not be held until Thursday, Oct. 24.

    The Hawaii Dept. of Transportation said they have proposed plans to install raised crosswalks and left turn lane improvements in the intersection where Naomi and Jim were killed. Meyer just hopes her mother’s death was not in vain.

    “My mom was my best friend and she raised me to be a strong person because she was a strong person,” Meyer said. “And I appreciate your time and allowing me to speak and giving me the space to share my story and get the message out there because it’s important.”

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    Akana Joelinda
    22d ago
    Wow,and we are under their leadership?Get to the point where is the bottom line need a generation change see no aloha😇🙏
    26d ago
    he's guilty as is, and the law is still protecting him cause he pleading not guilty and 1st time offender he took 2 innocent people life's he was intoxicated and recklessly endangering. I hope for the justice system here in Hawaii to prevail against this kind of horrific and gruesome tragedy to be set right.
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