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    Kansas primary election ads offered educational opportunities galore. Well, kind of.

    By Thomas Arnhold,

    28 days ago

    Political ads this primary season painted an unusual picture of liberals and moderates, writes our columnist. (Getty Images)

    Even though my political beliefs tend toward the moderate and liberal, I found the right-wing conservative political advertisements this primary season to be quite informative.

    Here is some of the information I learned from those Kansas ads.

    I am a despicable human, and I am an enemy of the country. The announcers and politicians speak of those not siding with them in a tone that drips with disdain and venom. Apparently, people like me are bent on turning the United States into a cesspool. Joe Biden and now, I suppose, Kamala Harris epitomize people like me.

    The only class of people worse than me are those who cross into the United States illegally to seek asylum. The small children, mothers, fathers and others who flee criminal gangs and other problems in their own country and trek hundreds of miles to get to the United States are not only despicable, but they also are evil, criminal drug dealers and rapists. The very few who are not criminals drain our economy, receive huge subsidies from the federal government and take jobs away from Americans and illegally vote in our elections.

    Wait, I almost forgot that I learned RINOS — Republicans in name only — are also horrible people.

    You should not be allowed to hold office unless you own at least one semi-automatic rifle and shoot some inanimate object in a television advertisement. If possible, purchase a weapon that is deadlier than a semi-automatic rifle, like a grenade launcher or machine gun.

    The federal government is not welcome in my state and should not be allowed to interfere in my state government. My state should not accept any federal money for highways, infrastructure property or help from FEMA, the next time there is a major disaster here.

    We should go back to paper ballots that are hand counted. If it takes 15 days to count them by hand, so be it.

    No matter what I do, it should be with the approval or endorsement of Donald Trump. He is the man. If you don’t have Trump’s endorsement, you ain’t s***.

    Taxes are bad and are socialism. It does not matter if our roads and infrastructure are falling apart, we cannot raise or maintain our current taxes to fix them. If you need a service, pay for it yourself. If a major project is needed bad enough, a corporation will build it. If possible, cut taxes for the wealthy. I do not need my taxes lowered, because tax savings for the rich will trickle down to me.

    China loves this part of the United States. To the Chinese, Kansas looks like a veritable Garden of Eden. It must be true, because the conservative ads say the Chinese are trying to buy all the land around here. What befuddles me is why they would want swampland, because the same politicians who fear a Chinese land grab say that we must drain the swamp in our capital cities.

    I am not a Christian, despite the fact that I am a practicing Catholic and pray every morning that Putin, Trump and all the other terrible leaders in the world be converted to peace-loving leaders who care about everyone’s health and wellbeing.

    It is absolutely, positively, impossible to be too conservative in a Republican primary. The more radical your conservative views, the better your odds of winning. Or at least running in another primary somewhere down the line.

    I learned so much this primary season. I can’t wait to see what lessons the general election has to teach.

    Tom Arnhold is a retired attorney, judge and a 24-year veteran of the Kansas Army National Guard, where he served as a JAG officer. Through its opinion section, Kansas Reflector works to amplify the voices of people who are affected by public policies or excluded from public debate. Find information, including how to submit your own commentary, here .

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