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  • Jennifer Bonn

    Calming The Storms in Our Lives


    We all have different storms that rise in our lives, but there are tools we can use to calm them and maintain our peace. Here are a few of those storms and how to avoid being overwhelmed by them.


    Have you ever been pulled into a drama when someone confides in you that she has been horribly wronged and you jump in with both feet because you want to be supportive, but then you hear the whole story and realize she and possibly you overreacted? We have all been stuck in that messy spot of discord. The next time someone presents her drama, practice some restraint before reacting. Ask some questions for understanding, do your best to look at the situation without allowing emotions to take over, and give the person a chance to talk about the issue. When someone shares an incident, our reaction can either escalate the situation, or take it down a notch, and you can often alleviate the tension by allowing the individual to talk it out without offering too many of your own opinions. Stay calm and don’t match emotions. Drama can’t happen if you don’t engage.


    Change can be exciting, but it also comes with a certain amount of disruption. Plan for the changes that you can predict. Have a plan B for those you cannot. Make lists with an action plan. Put mission critical at the top of the list and click tasks off as you complete them. Ask for help when you can and give yourself grace when you have challenges. Frustration and worry are peace steelers and they don’t do anything to solve the problem.


    I’m sure you will not be surprised to know that people will be responsible for the biggest storms in our lives, but most of the time we can choose not to allow them to steal our peace. Instigators ask questions to hurt you or to stir up trouble. They are never interested in your answer, they only want to know how much damage they can cause. The best scenario is not to react the way they want you to. I had someone ask me what I did all day since I was retired, and before I could answer they moved on to ask me if my youngest daughter had been a mistake. Sometimes you have to realize where a question is coming from.

    I hope the storms in your life are gentle, and manageable. Remember you always have the power to calm the effects even though it might seem overwhelming at first.

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