
A new aspect will be included in a summer event in Jefferson, with the goal of attracting more interest from the public.

Tower Tunes Live concerts return on Wednesdays in June from 12:15-12:30pm. Mahanay Maestros will perform songs of their choice on the four octave carillon of the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower. New this year is a contest called “Name That Tower Tune.”

Participants will receive an official sheet to write down what they think the titles of each song the maestro plays during that time frame. At the end of each concert, the maestro will announce the correct title and prizes will be awarded. The music committee will help participants and determine the winners. Individuals on that committee include Nancy Teusch, Janet Durlam, Joann Rasmussen, Ces Brunow, Pat Richards, Don VanGilder, Peg Raney and Bill Monroe.

Name That Tower Tune begins tomorrow and will be every Wednesday through June. Interested individuals must meet at the bell tower between noon and 12:15pm to receive their sheet and instructions. The public is also encouraged to pick up a lunch and enjoy their meal and listen to live music from the bell tower.