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  • J. Souza

    Boyfriend Taking Vacation Alone Since Girlfriend Can't Afford It Asks if He's in the Wrong

    17 days ago
    Photo byOlezzo | Dreamstime

    A man has sparked heated debate online after deciding to take a solo trip for his 40th birthday, despite his girlfriend's financial struggles.

    The man, who has been dating his girlfriend for three months, shared his dilemma on a popular Reddit forum.

    He explained that he had been planning a dream vacation to celebrate his milestone birthday, and had saved up for years to make it happen.

    However, when he discussed his plans with his girlfriend, she expressed disappointment that she couldn't afford to join him.

    "I've never taken an actual vacation," the man wrote. "I want to take a week and travel purely for recreational purposes." He added that he had saved up for the trip and felt ready for a "milestone birthday" celebration.

    The girlfriend, who is currently struggling with $20,000 in credit card debt, suggested a more affordable trip to Las Vegas.

    The boyfriend offered to cover the costs of their accommodations and flights, but declined to pay for the entire trip, mentioning the reatively short period of time they had been dating.

    "I don't feel comfortable paying her whole way and feel she should contribute financially to come along," he explained.

    When the girlfriend admitted she couldn't even afford half of the flight or food costs, the man decided to proceed with his solo trip.

    This decision led to a disagreement between the couple, with the girlfriend feeling upset and hurt.

    The man sought advice from his family and friends, but received mixed responses. Some supported his decision to prioritize his personal goals, while others argued that it was insensitive to plan a vacation while his girlfriend was facing financial hardship.

    Online, the Reddit community was divided on the issue. Some users defended the man's right to enjoy his dream vacation, especially after years of planning and saving.

    Others criticized him for being selfish and insensitive, arguing that he should have considered his girlfriend's feelings and financial situation.

    One commenter wrote,

    "Red flag. You’ve been with her for only 3 MONTHS so far and she’s already sulking for you not footing the entire bill for a trip for YOUR milestone birthday NEXT YEAR?" Another user commented, "Three months and she expects you to either pay for her to go on an international, week-long vacation or change your long-term, bucket-list plans to suit her?"

    This story has sparked a lot of conversation about the importance of open communication and compromise in relationships.

    Of course, there's still the question of whether or not it's worth it to lose a relationship over a financial decision like this. And with tough financial times for many across the country, decisions like this might be popping up all over the place.

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    Sharon Peterson
    12d ago
    you should pay for her knowing her only 3 months. she got herself in financial mess up to her to get out
    12d ago
    NTA. Only 3 months
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