MARBLEHEAD — The town celebrated its recent designation as a Purple Heart town at a ceremony honoring local Purple Heart recipients at the Jacobi Community Center.
“I hope that those of you who wear the Purple Heart with pride know with absolute certainty that you contributed to the future safety of our nation and to the peace of our world. You have done your part to keep our country free and inspired a new generation of freedom defenders,” Teresa Collins, who advocated for the designation and helped organize the celebration, said.
In June, the Select Board voted unanimously to designate Marblehead as a Purple Heart town. This proclamation makes Marblehead part of the national Purple Heart Trail, a symbolic system of roads, highways, bridges, and monuments that give tribute to the men and women who have been awarded the Purple Heart. Signs have been placed at all four entrances to town proclaiming Marblehead as a Purple Heart town.
Town Administrator Thatcher Kezer, a 38-year veteran in the U.S. Air Force who served on active duty in the National Guard, was in attendance and spoke to the crowd.
“Our military is by far the best in history, and one of the reasons for that is organizationally, we identify artifacts of things that give tribute to the highest of excellence of standards, of success,” Kezer said.
Kezer gave examples of these artifacts, such as medals, plaques, and memorials.
“We honor the greatest of sacrifices of our service, the achievements of our service,” Kezer said. “It’s a signal to strive for, to meet that standard.”
Kezer praised Collins and the community.
“What’s terrific about what has been done here is Marblehead is saying we’re going to recognize that standard, that achievement, that sacrifice, that accomplishment of our service members, and make that the example for our whole community,” Kezer said.
Saying there has been a changing of the guard with Dave Rodgers leaving as veterans agent, Kezer introduced Roseann Trionfi-Mazzuchelli, who will officially start as the new veterans agent on Sept. 3.
Trionfi-Mazzuchelli has served as the veterans’ service officer for Melrose and Winthrop over the past 12 years. She also served in the U.S. Army for 21 years.
“I know I have big shoes to fill, so I hope I can do that. Thanking Dave for all that he’s done for this wonderful town helping veterans,” Trionfi-Mazzuchelli said.
“It’s a task I enjoy doing, I feel it’s my life,” she said regarding her soon-to-be role.
The Purple Heart recipients in the crowd were then asked to stand and be recognized.
State Rep. Jenny Armini was also in attendance and spoke about Marblehead’s Purple Heart status.
“Today, the egalitarian legacy lives on in Marblehead. We are home to Purple Heart recipients whose examples of valor and military merit remind us of the true price of freedom. Marblehead’s new designation as a Purple Heart town allows us to continue changing for the better. I’m proud that Marblehead has always revered its veterans,” Armini said.
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