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    Only one percent of people can crack tricky ice cream-themed brainteaser

    By John O'sullivan & Mariam Khan,

    22 days ago

    The more you flex your brain with puzzles, the better you'll get at solving them and the sharper you'll become. As summer fades, this summer-themed Dudolf brainteaser will have you craving an ice cream, whether you crack it or not, regardless of the weather .

    Gergely Dudas, the mastermind behind these popular puzzles, has just released another seek-and-find that you'll definitely want to try! The picture below features a variety of ice cream flavors scooped onto cones. You can clearly see the cute penguins having a blast.

    But look closer, because the aim of this seek-and-find is to spot the three empty ice cream cones! It's trickier than you might expect. This is a Dudolf puzzle, so don't expect to solve it easily - but where's the fun in that?, reports the Mirror .

    If you fancy a challenge, why not time yourself and see how long it takes you.

    If you can't see the puzzle above, click here.

    Need a clue? No problem!

    Keep in mind, you're on the hunt for three vacant cones. They're all quite spread out.

    To guide you to one of them, cast your eyes to the bottom left corner of the image. If you need another nudge, the second cone is located more towards the middle left of the screen... nestled between a yellow and pink cone. You might need to concentrate hard. The third one, however, is the most elusive of them all.

    So, to give you a hand, it's worth noting that this one can be spotted near the top right of the image. Though, it's rather small and somewhat concealed compared to the others.

    Numerous studies have demonstrated that puzzle-solving enhances your speed, sharpness, and ultimately trains your brain, making you smarter. There's no shortcut, you must tackle challenging puzzles and test your brain's capabilities repeatedly for it to grow.

    Being able to solve visual puzzles swiftly can indicate you have perfect vision. These types of games are known to engage your cognitive skills but are also said to improve focus and learning ability.

    These kinds of puzzles can boost your health as they aid in neurological stimulation. Although they won't prevent dementia, other risk factors can have a much larger impact.

    For the latest local news and features on Irish America, visit our homepage here .

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    Linda Cranmer
    19d ago
    I found the three empty cones.
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