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  • InspireMore Shares Strangest Things Left Behind In Hotel Rooms

    By Marty Townsend,

    27 days ago

    Every person on the planet has left something in a hotel room at some point. They often get as far as the front desk or their car and realize it. That makes it easy to return to retrieve the item. However, if you drive away, you may not miss it until you’re home. The list of things left in hotel rooms includes the most common items, such as phone chargers, adapters, underwear, and dirty laundry. It may surprise you with some of the strange things hotel staff find in rooms.

    According to the Hotel Room Innsights Report , reports that one guest left their pet lizard! After finding a mini dinosaur crawling around in the room, the cleaning staff may have needed CPR or the portable defibrillator. Fortunately, the lizard was returned to its owner without incident.
    Image from Rawpixel .

    The most expensive item ever left was a $6 million watch. Other guests left a Birkin Bag, stacks of cash, and a Rolex watch. It is difficult to imagine having such valuable items and “losing” them in a hotel room. Most people collect everything on a bellhop cart and make a final circuit through the room when they leave. But that didn’t help the ten percent of guests that left behind dentures. Did they miss out on the continental breakfast or eat without their teeth?
    Image from Wikimedia Commons .

    In addition to the live things and expensive items, guests leave behind other bizarre stuff. It raises eyebrows when staff find a car tire in the room. Other guests have left rice cookers, blenders, teddy bears, rings, and construction pipes. In fairness, the construction pipes may have been a PVC marshmallow shooter.

    Please share if you said, “Huh?”

    You can find the source of this story’s featured image here and here .

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