About the Author

John Pritchett

John Pritchett is an award-winning cartoonist. He has created artwork in Hawaii for decades, including 20 years at the Honolulu Weekly. See his portfolio on the web at: pritchettcartoons.com. Opinions are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Civil Beat’s views.

City officials, including Honolulu City Council members, are in line for big raises come July 1. Council Chair Tommy Waters wants council positions to be full time and has introduced a measure to do that. But the 64% pay raises may take effect before members move to full time — if they ever do.

• “Tommy Waters Is Taking The Hit On Council Pay Raises. And That’s Just Fine With Him

• “Calls Mount For The Honolulu City Council To Vote On Salary Increases

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About the Author

John Pritchett

John Pritchett is an award-winning cartoonist. He has created artwork in Hawaii for decades, including 20 years at the Honolulu Weekly. See his portfolio on the web at: pritchettcartoons.com. Opinions are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Civil Beat’s views.

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Very disappointed in Waters.

moc · 10 months ago

Seems to me they're targeting certain council members. That guy on TV doing commercials for example. TCH TCH

LindaU · 10 months ago

Whew! Sixty-four %! That is a lot of compensation for intellectual sweat. If it can be quantified to support the salary increase the pill may be easier to swallow by the public. Usually, when City and State salary raises are considered for employees and the contractors they hire, like security guards, as an example, there is an across the nation comparison to ensure there is parity with other jurisdictions or similar industries. Is there one for City council members? Is C&C that far behind in paying our council members a decent salary for their public service? Are there any other salary hikes on the table to consider that are lower? Are they going to quit if they don’t vote themselves the raise? (Just kidding on the last one, since they will vote themselves a raise.)

Rampnt_1 · 10 months ago

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