Police give new insight on Dana Ireland murder investigation

HONOLULU (KHON2) — Albert Ian Schweitzer spent decades behind bars before he was exonerated for the 1991 murder of Dana Ireland.

On Thursday, Feb. 23, Big Island police chief gave us an update on the investigation.

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Chief Ben Moszkowicz said a detective is poring through thousands of pages worth of police reports, photos and interviews.

With this new set of eyes, Moszkowicz said they’ve identified at least six people who they want to interview.

“So we’ve never really given up our search,” said Moszkowicz. “And even when the prosecutors presented the case against Mr.Schweitzer they were really clear that there’s always been this suspect this unidentified male number one suspect who’s out there.”

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Moszkowicz said the Hawaii Police Department will use newly available DNA testing to hopefully help solve the case.