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Bitwise given notice of belief of abandonment

Bitwise Given Notice of Belief of Abandonment

FRESNO, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) – Bitwise is given notice about unpaid rent on at least one of its buildings in downtown Fresno.

Notices appeared Friday taped to the front door of the Bitwise building at 2771 Ventura Avenue and the Bitwise South Stadium building on Van Ness Avenue.

The notice is from the landlord, Baltara Enterprises LP. and says “Notice of Belief of Abandonment.”

Part of the public notice says, “The rent on this property has been due and unpaid for over 62 consecutive days and the landlord believes you have abandoned the property.”

It goes on to say the lease will terminate on June 17, 2023, unless Bitwise gives written notice that it does not intend to abandon the property.

Bitwise furloughed all of its 900 workers this week; 300 of those employees are in Fresno.