George Mason University students are petitioning against the college’s decision to host Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin as the graduation commencement speaker in May.

Senior Alaina Ruffin started the petition Thursday, one day after university president Gregory Washington announced that the Republican governor will speak before “the largest and most diverse class of graduates ever.” The petition has received more than 4,000 signatures since then.

“George Mason University prides itself on being one of ‘the most diverse institutions in the Commonwealth. Yet by having Governor Youngkin as this year’s Commencement speaker, we believe that the University compromises its supposed values of centering students’ experiences and overall well-being,” Ruffin wrote in the petition.

“When satiating its own desire to appease the powerful few, the University, once again, has abandoned these principles.”

Ruffin cites what she characterized as “anti-transgender” policies from Youngkin and “intentional [targeting]” of other marginalized groups as a reason why he shouldn’t speak or attend the ceremony.

Ruffin also said she doesn’t want “the memories of our graduation day to be tainted by an individual who has harmed and continues to harm the people he serves.”

When asked to comment on the petition, Youngkin spokeswoman Macaulay Porter told WTOP, “Governor Youngkin looks forward to addressing the 2023 graduates of George Mason University and celebrating their tremendous accomplishment.”

Some of Youngkin’s initiatives have drawn criticism in the purple state.

The governor’s updated school policies now require transgender students to use facilities and participate in activities corresponding with their biological sex.

Youngkin also ordered state education officials to review an Advanced Placement African American history course’s contents to see if it violates his executive order that targets “inherently divisive concepts.”

The main example he listed in the order was critical race theory — the idea that racism is systemic in the nation’s institutions and that they function to maintain the dominance of white people in society.

Last year, the governor passed a law that requires parents to be notified in advance if instructional materials include sexually explicit content. The move came amid a nationwide trend of parents seeking greater transparency about classroom materials, with some attention being paid toward books that discuss LGBTQ+-related issues.

Other comments on the petition voicing agreement include: “Couldn’t GMU have found someone respectable, inspirational, and compassionate to do this job?” and “This man stands opposed to everything I believe in and am as a student, my majors and very being are under attack in his politics.”

Someone else started similar petition in support of Glenn Youngkin delivering the spring commencement speech. It has gained just over 30 signatures.

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(49) comments

Tom Mitchell

Who is this pathetic idiot John Dutko and why does he think he needs to comment 7 times on this story? What an angry, little person he must be.

Truth is the sitting Governor of any state should have the respect his or her office demands and students should get off of their phones and be respectful of his commencement. Go listen to him and you may learn something.

Trumpy Bear

Genocide Joe

Has anyone done those campus interviews at GMU? I'm sure the results would be the same. Props to the brave 30 who are probably being attacked by the hive mind.

Farmall Super H

Alas, resident idiot democrat Dufustard has finally arisen from his leftist rathole. Most probably delayed as he struggles to form a supportive dictate for the woke, trans, democrat serial killer in Nashville that shot up a non-woke Christian school.

John Dutko

Glad you want to address gun control.

Gun violence spans across all spectrums of race, sex, and religion.

God isn't listening to thoughts and prayers AND doesn't give a damn about members of his flock being killed. It is up to people (that's us) to stop the killing of children, not some supernatural entity.

Do you want to stop kids from being killed by guns?

Simple yes or no question.

Trumpy Bear


Only problem is, you want a sleepy Joe AR ban which will apparently magically fix the issue of mental illness.

Doogle McBernstein

ReDumBLiCanS: Stop killing unborn babies.

Also, ReDumBLiCanS: Let's not tighten gun laws that'll end up saving children's lives. We're selfish and that'll infringe on my 2nd amendment

Doogle McBernstein

clearly you don't even know what woke means... Fox news has hijacked your feeble mind.

John Dutko

The comments in this thread are proof that the governor is divisive and should be dis-invited to speak at the commencement.

And remember, Voting is woke.

Vic Bako

What a shame. These snowflakes are denying themselves the opportunity to hear one of America’s greatest governors speak to them. All because of the woke beliefs pushed on them. Someday, maybe they will wake up.

Farmall Super H

Apparently, according to the democrat University President, the fiduciary role of the school isn't to educate, but rather graduate brain-dead liberals.

Farmall Super H

..."Would we really be preparing them for that world if we removed the opportunities for them to safely engage in debate and discourse?

Or is it better to expose them to people and ideas that may offend or challenge them, but in an environment of steadfast support and safety, so they may develop the agency to effectively express and advocate for themselves once they leave the university environment?"

So, in other words, we must babysit and 'protect' our liberal student snowflakes from conservative views that may very well offer an alternative to the anti-American, anti-free speech liberal indoctrination the taxpayer-funded school provides for them, so they leave this place and forever vote democrat.

The 'agency' the school is protecting is liberalism.

Hal Donahue

Being a commencement speaker is an honor that the anti-education, anti-critical thinking Youngkin does not deserve. Generally, universities select speakers that have words of wisdom to impart rather than political tonteria and pablum

Trumpy Bear


Please share why Jim Gilmore, Mark Warner, Tim Kaine, and Terry McAuliffe,.all former Virginia governors passed the litmus test to speak at the GMU graduation, but Youngkin deserves a dis-invite.

Sounds like a personal problem to me. If this is the direction you want to go, you're going to need to support changing the name of the of the institution as well. And you may even have to condemn the land the campus is located on also. Oh and also, you're going to need to rename the city of Fairfax.

GMU is a public university. Each governor of Virginia is elected by the public, and each of the governor's respective administrations serve the public. Therefore, since Youngkin secured enough votes to win, he like his predecessors has been invited to give the commencement speech.

Best of luck!

John Dutko

I mean... if that is what y'all want to do. Let's throw the baby out with the bathwater and start from scratch.

Genocide Joe

Wow they should have invited Hal Donahue, what have you accomplished in your life? Please bless us with your words of wisdom.

Cornelius Papadoupolos

College kids protesting speech. Just take a deep breath and read those four words.

Our country is just fundamentally broken.

John Dutko

Yes. They are protesting the man who is emblematic of what is wrong with the country and goes against modern societal ideals.

Is that too hard to understand?

Trumpy Bear

'Cept he got voted In by the residents of Virginia, and mostly won due to Independenrs and Dems getting him over the hump.

They can protest, and they can also not show up. He's the Governor, just like Gilmore, Warner, Kaine, and McAuliffe, who were invited and spoke at the previous commencements. Our Lt. Governor I believe has given commencement speeches.

John Dutko

Then Youngkin can go speak to the residents of VA. As far as I am aware, GMU is a private institution and students who pay that institution have a right to voice their opinions. The previous governors most likely did not support the banning of abortion, which severely impacts the dating life of college women.

Trumpy Bear

He supported, along with others in his party, the restriction of abortion up to a certain point, which was a ban consistent with many other countries. The law didn't pass.

"Dating life" you say? There are many "barriers" that can be utilized to prevent an unwanted pregnancy John.

He was invited and now you too don't have to attend. Protest away!

Farmall Super H

The dumber the populace taught not to critically think, the more stupid to vote democrat. It really is that simple.

Tom Manson

Ask your handler to have a look at your language processor. You aren't making much sense lately. "The dumber the populace taught not to critically think, the more stupid to vote democrat. It really is that simple."

John Dutko

Ok Groyper

Raymond Perez

The sad reality... free speech and discourse is only free when you agree with immature woke progressives. They cannot handle facts and truth and they do not know how to have manners and maintain civility in discussions. Pampered, immature, entitled leftists...

Farmall Super H

Fact. The democrat party founded the KKK.

True. They were the party of slavery then and are the party of slavery now.

John Dutko

Ok Groyper

Doogle McBernstein

let me educate you since you only like speaking half truths... the democratic party that founded the KKK from 1865 through 1965 is NOT the same democratic party as now.

Trumpy Bear

This article failed to mention the following:

"Youngkin is scheduled to speak to the university's class of 2023 at EagleBank Arena on May 18, becoming the latest sitting Virginia governor to address Mason graduates, joining former governors Jim Gilmore, Mark Warner, Tim Kaine and Terry McAuliffe.

"Governor Youngkin’s drive for lifelong learning and his entrepreneurial mindset is what we cultivate in all of our graduates," Mason University President Gregory Washington said in a statement."

Dale Dobacki

If these little commies are on scholarship, strip them of it. Universities should be free of censorship and the incubator of know, learning!

Larry Lyons

I doubt that you would know a Communist even if Karl Marx rose out of his mold London grave, lurched over to your broken down doublewide and gave you a nuclear wedgie.

Genocide Joe

This is pretty funny coming from an insider who calls Trump the mango Mussolini

John Dutko

So, you want to indoctrinate students?

And you want to strip students of their scholarships that they earned? Something something merit-based system...

What is your degree in?

Genocide Joe

You must fight indoctrination with indoctrination, silly. The left owns that. Gotta start somewhere. Nothing the lefts hates more than using their own tactics against them.

John Dutko


Have you even read a book?

Tom Manson

Not a surprise, given our no show governor's approach to governance, and his attacks on intellectuals. His invitation was a political move to sway his support, and that's all.

Paul Benedict

Your kind get so upset when somebody they disagree with is allowed to speak. This might be the first time in these snowflakes lives that they have ever heard a reasonable person speak. It will be nice for them to hear somebody speak who has an MBA rather than a fake doctorate in Equity Diversity and Inclusion. You claim Youngkin attacks intellectuals. Are you talking about the gender deniers in the Democratic Party?

Genocide Joe

My guess is Larry will be in the crowd protesting with all the youngins. Hopefully he isn't like his idol Biden or they may need to keep an eye on him.

Tom Manson

My kind? Paul's effort at labeling is misguided at best. I'm offering insight into why the populace is unhappy with the choice. They are exercising their rights to protest and not simply accept that which is fed to them by the boomers. I am personally more aligned with the GMU President in this case:

Dear Fellow Patriots,

What does it mean to be a Patriot? Since I arrived at George Mason University in 2020, I have periodically returned to this existential question. This time, we grapple with it relative to spring 2023 commencement.

In May, our featured commencement speaker will be Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin. This announcement has deeply upset members of the Mason community who feel targeted by the Governor’s positions on teaching about race, or addressing the needs of transgender students in public schools. These students want the Governor replaced as a commencement speaker because of these policies. His inclusion in commencement has also been greeted as good news to those who support the Governor. I have heard from both groups.

Is his inclusion in commencement a betrayal of our core identity of diversity, and commitment to inclusivity? Or are his presence and the passionate objections it has inspired actually the purest reflections of who we are as Mason Patriots?

Mason students come by their objections to the Governor authentically, and their rejection of his positions are rooted in very real, deeply personal, often painful life experiences. It is my sincere hope that our students use this opportunity to share their stories, challenges and triumphs, and that the Governor will hear their opinions, respectfully consider and reflect on them, and consider that feedback when making, amending or changing his administration’s policies.

This discourse highlights one of the fundamental purposes of a university. It is a place to engage, debate, and educate on topics where we agree and disagree, sometimes profoundly. If the Governor’s speech were to be cancelled, it is unlikely that such public attention would be paid to the policies students so passionately oppose.

This is vital because our students must prepare to inherit and lead a world with endless conflicts and divisions. Would we really be preparing them for that world if we removed the opportunities for them to safely engage in debate and discourse?

Or is it better to expose them to people and ideas that may offend or challenge them, but in an environment of steadfast support and safety, so they may develop the agency to effectively express and advocate for themselves once they leave the university environment?

I believe it is the latter. If we teach that the only way to deal with opposition is to suppress it, we rob students of the very tools they will need to build an effective society.

As president of the largest and most diverse public university in our state, I support those students who are making their voices heard, and I applaud their courage and commitment to advocate for themselves and their communities. That being said, I don’t believe that we should silence the voices of those with whom we disagree, especially in this forum where there is no imminent threat present as a result of the disagreements. As a student leader at North Carolina State University, I did more than my share of speaking up and speaking out, and so I can identify with Mason students’ passion and conviction. That experience also taught me that once you start silencing people you disagree with, you open a door that ultimately targets historically marginalized communities more than it benefits them.

Over the past two years, the Mason community has undergone significant introspection through various strategic planning and branding exercises, and challenged ourselves to answer fundamental questions of who we are, who we wish to be, and why anyone should care. In other words, what does it mean to be a Patriot?

More than any four-year institution in our state, we are both progressive and conservative. We are both wealthy and impoverished. Privileged and historically marginalized. Young and old. Local and international. First-generation college students and second-generation Mason students. Working parents and working soldiers. Black, brown, white and every pigmentation of humanity. Gay, straight, cisgender, transgender, he/him, she/her, and they/them. We embody America’s highest aspirations and its flawed lived experiences. We are its galvanized unity and its infuriating divisions. We are complicated and messy, earnest and scrappy. It is complex to navigate all of these things, which is one of the most difficult and rewarding aspects of my job.

With our differences come many world views, beliefs, experiences and expressions, and the only way we thrive is by providing a safe and open public square that allows these differences to comingle. This environment can be uncomfortable to navigate because it requires sometimes hearing and seeing things you don’t like. But it also means everyone – including you – has a platform to advocate for your beliefs.

Mason has a long tradition of supporting free speech. That support extends to each person who gives a commencement speech. And no speaker can take away from our diversity. At Mason, diversity is about more than just looking different, it’s about believing differently, thinking differently, expressing differently, and having the environment in which to do so. At Mason, that environment extends to every student, staff and faculty member. It also extends to Governors.

As Patriots, we are many things, but we are ALL of these things TOGETHER. And that’s what makes us beautifully DIFFERENT. And that’s what it means to be a Patriot.

I look forward to meeting and continuing discussions on this issue.


Gregory Washington


Trumpy Bear


Trumpy Bear

@ John

Ok, then that just boosts Vivek's popularity with that demographic.


John Dutko


Let's force the voting age students to sit through a commencement speech and take that vitriol and apply it to the elections. Let's have that message amplified via social media that Youngkin is a backwards-thinking billionaire who has their own interests for the presidency at heart and uses Virginia as political doormat before moving on.

Paul, think big picture and pyrrhic victories. It would be better for Youngkin to back out. He could say that he "stood up to the woke mob". The students could see that their message would be heard and the college listened to them. Everybody wins.


You will have a nice photo OP of students walking out as he talks. That would make national news and hurt his chances amongst Gen Z and Millenial voters.

Farmall Super H

If Karl Marx was still alive and invited to speak would the democrat students be protesting against it? Hell no. The Demostupids from this forum would be there serving as ushers.

Larry Lyons

AS I noted above, I rather doubt that you would know a Communist even if Karl Marx rose out of his mold London grave, lurched over to your broken down doublewide and gave you a nuclear wedgie.

Demostupids? Really? Ar eyou 10 years old or something?

Paul Benedict

So says the guy thinking that making fun of people in mobile homes somehow makes him look sophisticated. Democrats are the party of big business, crony capitalism and Chinese payments to the Biden crime family.

Tom Manson

There you go projecting again Paul, and what a short memory (Alzheimer's?). The Republicans have those areas cornered (except the Biden crime Family that is).

I'm all for investigating Hunter, and determining if his father supported anything illegal. Hunter has always been a private citizen, and from what I see Biden'd influence peddling occured after he left office, which is perfectly legal. But investigate for sure. Along with investigation and prosecution of the Trump crime family.

Joe Midtown

Would you expect anything else? Maybe they should listen and learn. Doubt if any of the graduates will be nearly as successful as Gov. Youngkin.

Larry Lyons

Given that it was suggested that he leave the Carlyle Group when he was CEO - apparently the company had the worst performance under his leadership than at any other time in the company's history. Some success.

WhereAre TheyNow

The Carlyle Group

In August 1995,[20] Youngkin joined the private-equity firm The Carlyle Group, based in Washington, D.C.,[19] initially as a member of the US buyout team.[16] In 1999, he was named a partner and managing director of Carlyle.[21][22] He managed the firm's United Kingdom buyout team (2000–2005)[16][23] and global industrial sector investment team (2005–2008), dividing his time between London and Washington.[21][24]

In April 2008, Carlyle's founders asked Youngkin to step back from deal-making to focus on the firm's broader strategy.[3][25] In 2009, the founders created a seven-person operating committee, chaired by Youngkin, which oversaw the non-deal, day-to-day operations of Carlyle.[25][26] In 2009 Youngkin also joined, along with Daniel Akerson, the firm's executive committee, which had previously consisted solely of the three founders.[26][27]

When Carlyle's chief financial officer Peter Nachtwey left suddenly in late 2010, Youngkin became interim CFO[28] until Adena Friedman was hired as CFO late March 2011.[29] In 2010, Youngkin joined the firm's management committee.[30][25] Youngkin was chief operating officer of the Carlyle Group from March 2011 until June 2014.[31]

Youngkin played a major role in taking Carlyle public, supervising the initial public offering.[25][32][33][28][34][35]

In June 2014, he became co-president and co-chief operating officer with Michael J. Cavanagh, who joined the Carlyle Group from JPMorgan Chase.[36][37] Together they helped develop and implement the firm's growth initiatives and managed the firm's operations on a day-to-day basis.[38] Cavanagh left the firm in May 2015 to become CFO of Comcast, leaving Youngkin as president and COO of Carlyle.[39]


In October 2017, the Carlyle Group announced that its founders would remain executive chairmen on the board of directors but step down as the day-to-day leaders of the firm; they named Youngkin and Kewsong Lee to succeed them, as co-CEOs, effective January 1, 2018.[3] As co-CEOs, Youngkin oversaw Carlyle's real estate, energy, infrastructure businesses, and investment solutions businesses; Lee oversaw the firm's corporate private equity and global credit businesses.[40][41] Youngkin and Lee also joined the firm's board of directors when they became co-CEOs.[35]

During Youngkin and Lee's tenure as co-CEOs, they oversaw the firm's transition from a publicly traded partnership into a corporation.[42][43][44]

Bloomberg News described the co-CEO relationship as "awkward ... and increasingly acrimonious".[34] The publication later wrote that Lee "quickly established dominance, diminishing Youngkin’s clout."[45] This was largely due to Lee being given control of the corporate private equity and global credit units at the onset, which were bigger and more profitable than the others.[46][47] In July 2020, Youngkin announced that he would retire from the Carlyle Group at the end of September 2020, after serving as co-CEO for about 30 months, stating his intention to focus on community and public service efforts.[34][48][42] In 2020, Youngkin and his wife founded a nonprofit, Virginia Ready Initiative, focusing on connecting unemployed people in the state with job-training programs and potential employers.[49][50][51][52]

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