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  • erfedida

    By Focusing on Sustainability Live Events Will Come Back Better Than Ever... Someday


    We're all eager for our lives to return to the normal we had grown accustomed to, a normal complete with live events and lots of music. But, because of the current crisis, we don't know when we'll be able to host and attend live events again. But whenever that someday comes, and it will, you better believe we'll have some big parties on our hands. And with that, the live events space has the opportunity to come back bigger and better than ever.

    Ascendance Sustainable Events, Miami’s first sustainable event consulting company, has decided to take advantage of the current downtime and to focus on making sustainable events a reality for all event organizers moving forward. They've created a comprehensive 15-page guide that provides event organizers with everything they need to start re-strategizing their events so they can return sustainably. 

    The guide spells out the benefits for event organizers clearly, highlighting why sustainable practices should be top of mind in everything they do and why they are more important now more than ever. Additionally, guide details best practices and tips for preventing pollution, reducing waste, conserving nature, community engagement, and the emerging need for public health solutions, while highlighting the opportunity for marketing, new revenue, community good will and cost savings that abound through sustainability.

    Their guide is being released completely free of charge as Ascendance’s "Gift to the Planet" to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, which was held last month. Founder Vivian Belzaguy hopes to inspire fundamental change in the live events space while transforming our behavior at these events.

    “Our planet is having the best rest it has ever received from human activity in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic,”  Belzaguy said. “While that’s no cause for celebration, it is a wake up call for all of us - including event organizers - to think about how we can not only step lightly back onto the planet when this is over, but grow new awareness and action around sustainability. While all events will have the ability to do this when they return, I believe that music events in particular have a super power for creating positive influence.” 

    Stay safe out there and be sure to get ready for an entirely new - sustainable - experience once we get the green-light to get back to it!

    To download the guide or learn more about how Ascendance can help with your next event, visit

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