
Monts appointed to Cyber Security and Data Security Committee


WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Independent Community Bankers of America announced that Brad Monts, president and CEO of Hoosier Heartland State Bank, Crawfordsville, was elected to serve on ICBA’s Cyber and Data Security Committee. ICBA is the nation’s voice for community banks and is committed to its founding mission to create and promote an environment where community banks flourish.

“As a financial steward of my community and advocate for the community banking industry, I’m proud to support ICBA’s efforts to highlight the important role community banks serve both locally and in our nation’s economy,” Monts said. “As relationship lenders, community banks remain focused on the needs of their customers, and work hard to earn and retain their trust every day. I’m proud to be a community banker and to be called to serve to preserve our industry’s legacy for future generations.”

In addition to helping shape and promote ICBA’s national policy positions and programs, Monts’ duties include engaging in grassroots activities in Indiana to advocate pro-community bank policies and serving as a liaison between community banks and ICBA staff and leadership in Washington, D.C.

“Brad is a respected civic leader and community banker who has graciously volunteered his time and resources to advocate and promote the important role of community banks in our financial system,” said ICBA Chairman Derek Williams, president & CEO of Century Bank & Trust in Milledgeville, Ga. “We are honored that Brad has accepted this appointment and extend our heartfelt appreciation for his ongoing efforts to ensure the future of community banking remains bright.”