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    Philly boxer Nicole Fisher-Brown fighting her way to the top, one jab at a time

    By Wakisha Bailey,


    Inspired by her kids and coached by her husband, boxer Nicole Fisher-Brown is fighting to the top 03:35

    GERMANTOWN, Pa. (CBS) -- Nicole Fisher-Brown and her husband Clinton Brown spend hours inside Happy Hollow Recreation Center and Boxing Gym.

    "It's all in or nothing. You have to trust yourself," said Nicole. "You have to have that mindset of 'you are a winner.'"

    Nicole is a trailblazer. She won the 2024 Woman's Championship in USA Boxing, and as a novice and amateur fighter weighing in at 154 pounds, her record is 5-0.

    It was Nicole's remarkable resilience that two years ago helped jumpstart a healthier life.
    Nicole Fisher and Clinton Brown CBS Philadelphia

    "I was 276 pounds. It started with my weight loss journey. I had lost over 100 pounds," Nicole said. "I want to live long for my kids. I want to make sure they grow up to see their parents there. I knew I had to take my health serious."

    Every day, Nicole would take her twin boys Nasir and Amir to Happy Hollow Recreation Center, where they were excited to work on their jab.

    "Something triggered (me) when I started, I seen how good I was," Nicole said. "I was picking it up very quick."

    She also caught the attention of Philadelphia's great former World Boxing Association Cruiser Weight Champion Nathaniel "Mr." Miller, who also got his start inside the historic ring.
    Nicole Fisher CBS Philadelphia

    Miller retired in 2001 with a career high of 27 knockouts. He now hopes Nicole will one day be awarded a world belt.

    "I wish the best for her, win the world title and her name go in the archives as well as mine," he said.

    Nicole's number one fan, her husband and coach, agrees.

    "When I say I'm the richest man in the world, I'm the richest man in the world. Not because of money but because of that lady right there," Clinton said of his wife.
    Clinton Brown, Nicole Fisher and their children CBS Philadelphia

    Clinton said no matter what, he and the family will continue to support his wife and champion.

    "She's in it. Ten toes down I'm in it with her. The boys are in it with her," he said.

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    🙏🏼 Wakisha Bailey 🙏🏼WELL DONE ARTICLE!
    S/O to @CBSPhilly 🙌🏼 for this #awesome story reflecting an uplifting person of interest in the #Philly Community. I'm so sick of all the negativity 😒
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