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    Minnesota deer population is up, which is good news for archery hunters

    By John Lauritsen,

    23 days ago

    Minnesota could see more deer than usual this year, says DNR 01:43

    ROGERS, Minn. — The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources says some parts of the state could see more deer than in recent years, which is good news for archery hunters.

    "It's fun and we live for it. It's busy all year, but the last three months is our busy time," said Wade Grinager, of Archery Country.

    Archery Country in Rogers may be seeing an increase in customers this fall, in part, because there's been an increase in the deer population, especially in the central and southern parts of the state.

    "With more deer, there's more interest. People are seeing them, so I think it's going to be a win-win," said Grinager.

    The DNR said deer numbers are up for a couple reasons. An extremely mild winter gave them access to acorns, one of their favorite foods, and a wet spring allowed some of their favorite plants to green up early on.

    Archery Country said they're also benefitting from legislation passed last year that allows for anyone to use a crossbow while deer hunting. When the law went into effect, license sales went up 6%, with more women and kids buying crossbows and getting involved in the sport.

    "This is going to be really an exciting season because it will be my first season crossbow hunting," said Scott Bridell.

    Bridell is taking advantage of the new law. He said he isn't planning to hunt during Saturday's opener, but he is looking forward to a busy fall. His trail cameras are picking up plenty of action around his deer stands.

    "I see a lot of deer and I'm looking forward to it. Especially as the weather gets colder and the leaves start falling," said Bridell.

    The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is also reporting a higher number of deer compared to previous years.

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    shannon paplow
    22d ago
    also with wolves there is not much left to hunt any ways. thanks dnr for the mess and you want to raise fees and license to hunt the Kings wild life! Stick it
    shannon paplow
    22d ago
    That's cuz hunters don't want to take the chance of getting one with cwd. unsafe to consume and end up with it.
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