Weird But True

I have a ‘f–k it’ list instead of a bucket list — now I’m in control

These are things she’s vowed to stop doing before she kicks the bucket.

A New York relationship expert has swapped out the traditional bucket list for a “f–k it” list, which she says has improved her life by leaps and bounds.

“Those are all things you have to say f–k it I am done,” Leah Marie Mazur, 41, told SWNS while describing her somewhat unconventional coping mechanism.

The Buffalo-based divorce recovery coach, who runs the company Mindfully Ready LLC, describes the aforementioned catalog as similar to a bucket list, in which people check off experiences/goals they hope to accomplish in their lifetime — ie. visiting Thailand, yodeling, juggling chainsaws and more.

However, in this case, these bizarro resolutions are somewhat conversely about calling a moratorium on the people and activities that are preventing oneself from living a happy and fulfilling life a la psychological ballast.

“You’ve got to have that f–k it list — meaning for you to reach those goals and be the person you want to be, you need to think about what you no longer need to tolerate,” Mazur described. “What do you need to let go of? What beliefs are keeping you stuck? What habits are holding you back?”

“I am only saying yes to things that are going to get me closer to where I want to be and who I want to be moving forward,” said Mazur. Leah Marie Mazur / SWNS

She added, “I am only saying yes to things that are going to get me closer to where I want to be and who I want to be moving forward.”

Mazur reportedly said she was inspired to create this unorthodox dirty laundry list following her second divorce in 2018 with the hopes that it would help her detoxify her social circle.

In accordance, the Buffalo gal said that a “big” goal on her “f–k it” list was jettisoning “people in my life who do not respect me or honor my boundaries.”

“I think especially as women, we are a lot more likely to tolerate behavior that negatively impacts your well-being because we feel obligated or feel guilt if we don’t,” she said. “That was something I had to learn the hard way and to say I only want healthy relationships in my life from this point forward.”

Mazur invented the concept of the “f–k it” list following her second divorce in 2018. Leah Marie Mazur / SWNS

Mazur has also embarked on a literal detox journey as well; She’s quit alcohol and caffeine and started working out more in a bid to improve both her physical and mental health.

“As I was tuning into myself and being honest with myself, I realized that those things didn’t make me feel good,” she said.

Other goals on Mazur’s “f–k it list” include ceasing to worry about other people’s opinions, stopping engaging in negative self-talk, and quitting believing that she won’t ever find true love.

A “f–k it” list is like a bucket list except it’s about ceasing, rather than partaking in activities. nsit0108 –

And while the New York native’s ticked most of the items off the take control of her life list, she says she constantly creates new goals as she’s “always trying to push myself and grow.”

“It is an ongoing process, it is not necessarily something that you can just tick off and then say ‘OK, that is done,'” said Mazur. “It is something that you want to be adding onto as you go.”