Proposed trade sends Paul George, future first-rounder to Boston Celtics for Jaylen Brown

Los Angeles Clippers v Boston Celtics
Los Angeles Clippers v Boston Celtics / Winslow Townson/GettyImages

An absurd proposed trade from Bleacher Report's Zach Buckley would see the Boston Celtics land Paul George and a 2031 first-round pick in exchange for the team's 1A superstar, Jaylen Brown.

Buckley believes George would fit just as well in the Celtics rotation as Brown does and provide more consistent defense and shooting.

"(George is) an interesting trade target for the Shamrocks, because he's the one player listed here who'd probably need to be packaged with more to add a talent like Brown (assuming the latter would still be Boston's outgoing piece)," Buckley prefaced before saying, "The Clippers don't have much else to offer, but if they like Brown enough, maybe they'd part with a 2031 first-round pick.

"George would be an effortless fit in Boston—partly because he's an easy fit anywhere, partly because he'd do a lot of what Brown already does. Brown might be the better scorer at this stage, but George has superior shooting touch from range and is a more consistent defender."

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For those who couldn't get past the first slide of Buckley's piece after a swap of Brown and Devin Booker was proposed, this final slide couldn't be more unhinged if it tried.

We're talking about trading a 27-year-old star smack dab in the middle of his prime for a 34-year-old who's looking for one last big contract. But why? Brown took more shots and had a higher conversion rates on the shots he took. George has him beat from the 3-point line and in most major stats, but not in the postseason. "Playoff P" has become a meme, while Brown is on his way to a sixth Eastern Conference Finals in eight seasons.

A future first-round pick doesn't bridge the gap here, either. Not even close.

The Celtics hate is at peak levels right now for a trade like this to be published in the middle of a playoff run. No one from the national media will ever want to see Brown and Jayson Tatum succeed together apparently.