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Local influencer Davis Clarke breaks 3 hours in Boston Marathon, pushes himself… maybe a little too far?

By John WallerAbby Patkin,

13 days ago

No such thing, according to Clarke.
Davis Clarke, after finishing the 2024 Boston Marathon. Screenshot via Instagram

It was a bad day to be Davis Clarke’s running shorts.

Fresh off a GQ interview (and a profile on, the “locked in” Boston influencer known for his infectious positivity made headlines for, umm, a different reason on Marathon Monday.

“INFLUENCER DAVIS CLARKE Gets the Runs … CRAPS PANTS MID-MARATHON (SUPPOSEDLY),” as TMZ put it, expressing skepticism regarding Clarke’s mishap throughout the article.

“TikTok star and local celebrity Davis Clarke goes viral after appearing to soil himself during the Boston Marathon…after telling fans he was ‘locked in’ despite doing no training for the big race,” blasted the Daily Mail Online headline, ending their url with “boston-marathon-viral-poo.”

Yes, after crossing the Boston Marathon finish line in an impressive 2 hours and 56 minutes (that’s 6:43 mile pace), Clarke decided to announce to his 650,000 Instagram followers that he had indeed had an accident during the race.

Or, as he succinctly put it, “I s*** my pants like crazy.”

(Warning: Clarke briefly pans to the problem area in the below video.)

On Wednesday, the 27-year-old Winchester native explained to how it all went down (sorry) and why he decided to share the seemingly embarrassing situation on social media. His video has amassed over 10 million views.

First off, Clarke is no slouch when it comes to endurance sports. A triathlete and runner, he qualified for this year’s Marathon (his third Boston) by running 2:45 last year.

But this past February, he suffered a virus that led to joint pain and put a pause on his Marathon training until a few weeks ago.

“I definitely did not train as much as the previous years,” he said, “so it made it a lot more difficult, more painful. But that’s what makes it fun, and it was a great experience because of it.”

Clarke was dead set on still breaking 3 hours Monday — “I was willing to do pretty much anything to get it done,” he said — a point that was certainly proven.

He “cruised” through Mile 17, Mile 18, but then around Heartbreak Hill, he started to falter.

“I realized that if I was going to make it under 3 hours, I had to go to the bathroom,” he said.

A quick trip to a porta-potty would’ve wasted time and thrown off his rhythm.

“So I made the decision, ‘Hey, I’m gonna do it for the people,'” he said. “I let it go. I had to run while letting it go on and off the last five miles, so definitely not the most pleasant sight. It’s definitely ugly, but I was able to haul it through.”

“I was willing to do everything and anything that it took,” he added. “Maybe some people would say it was a crazy decision, but to me it wasn’t a question at all. I was going all out.”

Clarke said despite TMZ’s doubts, this account is “100%” accurate. His official Marathon photos can corroborate it, he said, as can spectators who unfortunately saw him on the course.

“It was not a pleasant sight, and I genuinely apologize,” he said.

As for sharing his GI issues with the world, Clarke has no regrets.

“I think it’s important because so many times online people will try to portray a perfect world, all the good things, and I always try to show the ups and the downs,” he said. “So I said, ‘Hey, I hit the goal, but it came with a huge downside, and I’m willing to acknowledge that any day of the week.'”

Clarke called his Marathon Monday “truly special,” adding the energy of the day was “absolutely awesome.”

It may have been a bad day to be Clarke’s shorts. But, as usual, it was a good day to be Clarke.

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