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  • Axios Seattle

    Things to do in Seattle, July 25-28

    By Christine Clarridge,


    It's the height of summer and the Seafair finale approaches with the Torchlight Parade and the Filipino festival, Pista Sa Nayon, among the local events happening this weekend.


    🥪 Try the zipline at the Duwamish Waterway Park party, where there will be art, games and free lunches for all. 10am-4pm Monday through Friday through Aug. 24. Free.

    🇺🇸 Celebrate National Hire a Veteran Day at Republic Services in Seattle where vets can attend a free workshop, brush up their resume and apply for open positions at the waste facility. 10am-2pm. Free.


    🎨 Check out the annual Seattle Art Fair , which was started by the late Paul Allen, for a showing of modern and contemporary art. Lumen Field. 11am-7pm. Runs through Sunday. Day passes are $35 .

    Pro tip: For those needing an art fix for less, the nonprofit Forest For The Trees is presenting a series of exhibitions , live performances, public art installations and events at RailSpur and throughout Pioneer Square in conjunction with the art fair through the weekend.


    🐴 Catch Seattle's iconic summer event, the Seafair Torchlight Parade , with marching bands, dragon dancers, drill teams, prancing horses and military bands. Downtown on 4th Avenue. 3-6pm. Free.

    Pro tip: Bring folding chairs, arrive early and set up in a shady spot.

    🇵🇸 Watch a documentary on Palestine at the Seattle Center during the Seattle Arab Festival featuring traditional music and dancing as well as food, drinks and desserts. The documentary, at 1:30pm Saturday and Sunday, and the festival are free.

    🎸 Hear music legends Willie Nelson and Sheryl Crow onstage with Chris Stapleton at T-Mobile Park . 4:30pm. Tickets start at $122 .


    Gather at Seward Park to experience Pista Sa Nayon , the Filipino American community festival held during Seafair celebration at Seward Park. 11am-6pm. Free.

    Pro tip: Parking is tough at Seafair events so it's wise to bike, walk or use public transit if you can.

    Plan ahead: The hydro races and the Boeing airshow, including the Blue Angels , are slated for Aug. 2-4 at Genesee Park and Lake Washington.

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