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  • Axios Dallas

    Life expectancy for Texans lower than the average American

    By Naheed Rajwani-DharsiAlex Fitzpatrick,


    Data: CDC ; Map: Axios Visuals

    Texans have a lower life expectancy at birth than the average American, the CDC says.

    • The state is No. 31 in the country for the figure, which estimates the average lifespan a newborn can be expected to live if age-specific mortality levels stay the same.

    The big picture: Life expectancy nationwide fell by 0.6 years between 2020 and 2021 — largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic and drug overdoses, per the report.

    • States in the Southeast generally have a lower life expectancy at birth as of 2021, while states in the Northeast and West have higher life expectancy, per CDC data. Women are also expected to live longer than men.

    Zoom in: The U.S. life expectancy at birth is 76.4 years. In Texas, it's 75.4 years.

    • People in Hawaii (79.9 years) and Massachusetts (79.6 years) have the longest life expectancy at birth as of 2021.
    • Mississippi (70.9 years) and West Virginia (71 years) have the shortest.

    Zoom out: Life expectancies in dozens of countries are much higher than in the U.S. The Japanese are expected to live 84 years.

    Yes, but: Texans are still better off than their neighbors. Life expectancies are shorter in New Mexico, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas.

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    because they are so damn pro-life and care so much about people /sarcasm.
    Edmond resident
    fake news
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