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  • Axios Dallas

    How to see the Perseid meteor show in Dallas

    By Miriam KramerTasha Tsiaperas,


    The Perseid meteor shower might have already peaked this week, but there is still plenty of time to catch a glimpse.

    The big picture: Meteor showers are perhaps the most accessible cosmic events each year.

    • You don't need telescopes or binoculars to see the meteor shower, just a comfy place to lie down and look up under relatively cloudless and dark skies.

    How it works: The Perseids grace our skies each year at around this time when the Earth passes through the stream of dust and rock debris left behind by the comet Swift-Tuttle.

    • The Perseids are known for creating the most fireballs — exceptionally bright meteors — of any annual meteor shower.
    • You can still see the shower even in light-polluted areas, but don't expect a constant show. You may only see a shooting star every 10 minutes or so.

    Zoom in: The shower will continue through August and is best seen after midnight. You may still be able to see the streaks of light as early as 10pm, per NASA .

    • In Dallas-Fort Worth, look north and find the constellation Cassiopeia. Perseus is nearby, and that's where you can see the meteors fall, per the DMN .
    • The light trails can be seen throughout the sky, but looking north is a good starting point.

    Yes, but: Avoid looking at your phone, because the bright screen can ruin your night vision.

    What's next: This month's full moon, also known as the sturgeon moon, peaks Monday.

    • It's also the first supermoon of 2024, according to .
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