Over the last few weeks, we have heard a lot about the Augusta School District's budget shortfall.  And, if you are a resident of Augusta, there is a good chance that you have heard rumors that the Lillian Park Hussey Elementary School was likely to close over these budget concerns.

If that were to happen, the several hundred students that are currently assigned to the school would be spread out between the city's other three elementary schools: Farrington, Lincoln, and Gilbert.

Fortunately, it does not look like that is going to happen!

According to the KJ, school district administrators have found a way to reduce the nearly $6 million budget gap without the need to cut staff positions or close the Hussey School.

Thomas Park / Unsplash
Thomas Park / Unsplash

The article explains that Superintendent James Anastasio has said the officials will present the $36.6 spending plan to the public today.  The plan is reportedly only $1.8 million higher than this year's budget.  While that may seem like a pile of cash, it is important to remember how much inflation we have experienced in the last 12-18 months.

According to the article, Superintendent Anastasio was able to avoid the staff cuts and closure by using $1.8 million carried over from the district's undesignated funds.  The other $1.5 million will be taken from about $2 million that will be left over from the current fiscal year's budget.

The article goes on to say that other facts that helped them lower the budget were a drop in the cost of natural gas and the price of electricity and transportation become locked-in.  The electricity and transport had previously been over-estimated compared to what the prices ended up being.

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