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  • Atlanta Citizens Journal (Cass County)

    Atlanta Public Library Puzzler’s Competition

    By Suzanne Kreklow,

    2024-07-31 ,
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    And the Winner is? Not quite so fast! When you are putting together a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle it doesn’t happen for days, usually. However, with these intense teams the pieces were literally flying into the appropriate places. What a fun event and opportunity at the Atlanta Public Library on Thursday night the 25th of July. Guess what, we started something that was so loved it will become a yearly happening!

    Eight teams signed up for the free event with only four people per team. With the teams in place and rightly named: “One-Piece-at-a-Time”, “Awesome-ness”, “76-Misfits”, “The Sharks”, “3 Gals and A Guy”, “The Perry Puzzlers”, “Jason’s Team”, and finally, “Cherry’s” the hammer struck at 4:30 pm and exact same puzzles were dumped onto the tables. As I walked through the room listening, all the teams were putting together their strategy before the first piece hit the table. The 76-Misfits, obviously professional puzzlers, had trays designed to hold different colors giving each color its own space to be handled at the appropriate time. Unfortunately, albeit professionally puzzled, they couldn’t outmaneuver the super professional, practiced team, The Perry Puzzlers! The 3 Gals and A Guy strategized to change places if you felt you were in the wrong place and absolutely couldn’t see anything anymore! Which, by the way, is a really good plan. The One-Piece-at-a-Time decided “flip, borders, colors, direction (up, down, left, right) and who was doing what! They had a reasonable strategy but only placed in the top half. Not bad for a first run and new team!

    Pieces dumped and flying., it was an incredible challenge to be completed in two hours. At the 30-minute mark six of the teams had the border in place and had started hunting the inside pieces. You would laugh walking through the tables listening to the short orders being barked by everyone…” where’s the four prong, white star, pink spot, hurry”. And over and over again, “WOW, that pink planet is a pain, it’s really hard, all the pieces are the same color”!

    As the time flew, there were three teams that stayed really close in completion, then only two. We thought it might be a tie. But in a flash of one hour and 10 minutes the young team, The Perry Puzzlers, pulled off the win, receiving a trophy and a 1,000-piece puzzle. We watched as the last piece was tucked into its proper place with a loud “HOORAY” across the library basement. The Sharks finished right behind them at an hour and 20 minutes and very shortly thereafter 3 Gals and a Guy shouted “FINISHED”.

    Kendra and Randy, our wonderful Library staff were on hand, walking the floor, watching the competition and providing water to the thirsty puzzlers! And, as soon as puzzles started, pizza was brought in, maybe trying to distract the intenseness! As we walked and watched and snapped pictures, we continued to fill our plates with pizza and, of course, chocolate. Another Atlanta Public Library favorite.

    A very fun, competitive, community get-together for many of us. Start practicing and get ready for next year’s event. You have 12 months to get ready. The Perry Puzzlers will definitely be back to defend their title and secure a second trophy! But with a whole year ahead of us, you can figure the other teams will be getting together and ready for another fierce competition.

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