Black Woman Confronts A Plane Passenger For Making Her ‘Uncomfortable’ With His Racist, Body Shaming Texts

A Black woman went viral after posting an “uncomfortable” encounter she had with a white man who sat next to her during a flight to Atlanta from Puerto Rico. In the recording, the travel influencer confronts the passenger and makes him aware that she has observed the offensive comments he texted about her. 

“You know I wasn’t going to say anything but I decided I want you to feel as uncomfortable as I do,” Taila Rouse said. “I want you to know I saw your text messages and I think you’re disgusting.”

After the alleged offender responded, seemingly, oblivious, Rouse pulled no punches, and made it a point restate her claim: “You know exactly what I’m talking about, but I’m not going to repeat it because everyone doesn’t need to know, but I want you to know that I know and I think you’re disgusting.”

After several more back and forth comments, the accused said, “I’m sorry.”

Rouse, who goes by the Instagram handle taila.thecreator posted the now-viral clip May 27. At press time the clip has over half a million likes. 

The disturbing exchange resulted in a litany of comments from social media users. The majority of comments on talia.thecreator’s IG post expressed being proud Rouse stood up for herself. 

“Being a Black woman is sooo exhausting sometimes. THANK YOU for calling him out and putting him in his place!!!” eileen_ivette responded. 

“Why are you looking at that man’s phone? being intrusive of his privacy . i’m curious to know how it would of played out if he brought up seeing her text convo,” an IG user commented.

A screenshot of the text message that reportedly led to the “uncomfortable” incident was shared on the ShadeRoom

“Hopefully the airlines will continue to raise prices and weed out these people,” the text read. “Ryan is sitting next to a huge Black woman.”

Apparently, Rouse considered such feedback, as she addressed reading the passengers text in her caption. The avid traveler says, “Yes I could’ve minded my own business but why should I let him slide?”

Gendered racism creates unique challenges for Black women “because of their subordinated statuses in the United States,” according to the Journal of Psychology. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, Black women encounter more than their share of psychological abuse including shaming, humiliation and insults, and experience disdain much higher than women of other races and ethnicity.

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