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APD looking for leads in vehicle burglaries at Apopka fire stations

Fire stations in Apopka, Orange and Seminole Counties targeted


Fire stations in Apopka, Orange, and Seminole Counties were victims of vehicle burglaries in the past few days.

In Apopka, during the early morning hours of May 22nd, several Apopka Fire Department firefighter personal vehicles were burglarized at Fire Station 3 (Piedmont-Wekiva) and Fire Station 4 (Orange Ave). Crime Scene Technicians responded to process the scenes while detectives responded to investigate the burglaries.  

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office said they are also investigating burglaries at three of their fire stations.

OCSO deputies responded to two vehicles that were broken into at Station 27, which is located off of Novella Eliza Lane. At Station 55, which is off of Greenway Professional Court, investigators said one vehicle was burglarized and another vehicle stolen. 

Some of the items taken include employee ID cards, credit and debit cards, and ammunition, according to the OCSO.

The OCSO said at Station 81, located off of South Econ Trail, a car was broken into, and a wallet was stolen, along with Orange County Fire Rescue credentials.

The Seminole County Fire Department reported three burglaries at their fire stations Sunday.

Jon Divita, the Seminole County Professional Firefighters Union President, described what happened to the vehicles.

“Anywhere from just opening the doors to damaging, breaking windows, and completely going through all their personal belongings, and stealing whatever they can get their hands on," Divita said.

This is an active investigation, and the Apopka Police Department requests that anyone with information related to the burglaries contact the Apopka Police Department or, to remain anonymous, contact CrimeLine at 1-800-423-TIPS (8477). 

Apopka Fire Department, Seminole County Fire Department, Orange County Sheriff's Office, Apopka Police Department, Vehicle Burglaries


3 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • MamaMia

    This is very strange because it isn't just in Apopka, but Seminole County, and in other parts of Orange. I'm sure they are after whatever they can find, but I can't help but wonder, that because it is the fire department personnels' vehicles, maybe they are hunting for some item that only a fire department employee would have, such as the employee ID cards, or maybe some specific piece of equipment, that a fireman would have? Don't know why the fire stations have been targeted, but everywhere the vehicle thefts and break ins are occuring more and more.

    Wednesday, May 24, 2023 Report this

  • Richard

    Some county fire stations have fencing and gates to keep the first responders vehicles secured. What proactive measures will Wylam take. Maybe the city could use some of that $945,000 made in returns and interest from Nelson’s buddy’s bank. Oh wait, there weren’t any. That would’ve bought a lot of fencing, cameras, and lighting.

    Wednesday, May 24, 2023 Report this

  • MamaMia

    Richard, if the county ones have fences and gates, like you say, some of them, they still broke into the vehicles, at the county ones. It is nearly impossible to stop these vehicle burglaries. They even steal from the gated communities, with people right at home.

    Wednesday, May 24, 2023 Report this