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    Hot Comments Today: The Final Days of the Trump White House: Chaos and Scattered Papers

    Doug Mills/The New York Times

    Four days before the end of the Trump presidency, a White House aide peered into the Oval Office and was startled to see the president’s personal photos still arrayed behind the Resolute Desk — guaranteeing that the final hours would be a frantic dash.

    In the area known as the outer Oval Office, boxes had been brought in to pack up desks used by President Donald Trump’s assistant and personal aides. But the boxes stood nearly empty. The table in Trump’s private dining room was stacked high with papers until the end.

    Trump never sold out the American people to China, spend a trillion dollars on someone’s war, murder soldiers by leaving Afghanistan, never threaten people to take a vaccine that’s now known to have killed 12 million people…I would rather have Trump back. I was able to afford gas and food under his administration --- Charlie Rose
    clintons sold documents to Russia Treason biden sold military secrets to china how do you like their new jets and submarine obumer gave millions of taxpayers money weapons and vehicles to the Taliban and spygate and Benghazi people got killed because of them. wake up America --- Sheila
    Still worried about Trump as people are getting evicted at the highest rate since the 70s. gas and food are out of control but let's worry about Trump who has been out of office for 2 yrs. --- Jim Thomas
    The New York Slimes isn’t fit to print their biased garbage, let alone be considered a journalistic news source. Yet the left cling to every…last…Trump…reference. It’s like a high for them, and their comments here reflect a loneliness and wanting to belong to SOMETHING. --- resident
    Trump didn't even leave the keys to enter the white house doors for Biden to enter, he didn't even have the curtasy to receive Biden and the first lady like Obama received him 😡 --- Angel Rodriguez
    New York Times hasn’t reported anything newsworthy in years… unless it’s retractions from previous reports… if you take them seriously…ya might be not so bright --- the breeze

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