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  • Ada E.

    The Most Cold-Blooded Zodiac Signs

    17 days ago

    Disclaimer: This content, written by Ada. E, aims to provide general informational and entertainment value. The astrological information shared has been extensively researched, carefully recorded, and thoughtfully observed by the author.
    Photo byRanker

    We present to your attention a list of the most closed signs of the zodiac, whose true feelings are available only to a select few.

    Not every person can openly express their emotions in everyday life. Some of us prefer to hide our feelings behind a mask of indifference and apathy. Have you met such people?

    Some zodiac signs use their coolness as a defense mechanism, while others become indifferent due to low self-esteem. This is especially evident in five signs out of all.


    Aquarius is often mistakenly considered the coldest and most distant sign of the zodiac. He is accused of an inflated sense of self-worth, which, according to others, makes him say harsh words and show indifference. However, in reality, Aquarius skillfully hides behind his restraint a friendly and warm attitude towards people. He does not want to impose himself and is afraid of being rejected.


    The first impression of a Sagittarius is usually positive, but this can quickly change if the relationship becomes more intimate. Like other fire signs, Sagittarius tends to be impatient and may seem tactless in their dealings with others. When Sagittarius is irritated, they can be vindictive and distant, and this is when their less pleasant side comes out.


    Scorpio is known for being emotionally intense. Although he may seem cold and even repulsive, he actually experiences a storm of emotions. This zodiac sign, which is ruled by the element of water, can become cynical if you touch on his personal problems that he does not want to talk about.


    Geminis are masters of disguise. They can be charming and friendly one minute, and cold and distant the next. Their moods change so quickly that those around them have to be careful not to get caught in the crossfire.


    Aries is the epitome of directness and frankness in the zodiac world, and they proudly display these qualities. However, being sincere and open, Aries sometimes do not realize when it is necessary to show tact and restraint. If you want to hear a sharp and ruthless answer, just ask Aries to express his opinion, and he will not hesitate to hurt your feelings.

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    3d ago
    Gemini 😉
    the one and only superior one
    3d ago
    this is when their unpleasant side CUMS OUT
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